Chief Angel Ortiz

It has been many years since a new fire department was created in the State of New Jersey. In April of 2022, the Frelinghuysen Township Committee adopted by ordinance the establishment of the Frelinghuysen Township Volunteer Fire Company. When developing anything, specifically in the creation of a new fire department, there are benchmarks that need to be met. Perhaps the most important benchmark is that in the selection of a Fire Chief. Frelinghuysen Township is proud to announce the appointment of Angel Ortiz as Fire Chief for the Frelinghuysen Township Volunteer Fire Company.

Chief Ortiz is an exemplary Fire Chief, leading with profound humility and a strong sense of honor in his role within Frelinghuysen Township. Guided by Aristotle’s timeless wisdom that “the essence of life is to serve and do good,” Chief Ortiz embodies this ethos in all aspects of his leadership.

With a distinguished background, he holds a degree in Surgical Technology and has dedicated the past 12 years to practicing and refining his expertise within hospitals and surgical centers. As a former EMT-B, he has fearlessly provided pre-hospital care in both the City of New Brunswick and the City of Passaic, responding to countless 911 calls over the years.

His remarkable journey includes over 8 years of dedicated service as a volunteer Firefighter in the City of Hopelawn, where he took on pivotal roles as an officer and chauffeur for the department’s engine and rescue truck.

Chief Ortiz’s commitment to education shines through as he has not only instructed medical science students in New Brunswick, but has also conducted crucial CPR classes.

Relocating to Frelinghuysen Township with his wife, Chief Ortiz seamlessly integrated into the community and found himself volunteering without hesitation. His unwavering dedication to the township is fueled by his deep- rooted goal of fostering the ongoing health, and prosperity of the township he now calls home.

© Frelinghuysen Township Volunteer Fire Company
219 Main Street
Johnsonburg, NJ 07825
(908) 852-4121